Saturday 26 December 2020

Forever Finding

 I am presenting my recent work i.e. an altered canvas. The name of my work is ‘Chronicle of SOUL’ and the quote I have used for my work is ‘forever finding’. I created this mixed media project inspired by the September mood board of finnabair art recipe challenge.

I tried to portray our continuous search for peace, comfort and rejuvenation through my creation here. As we know, we can try time and again with lots of material things to achieve that but at the end of the day we need to go back to where we belong, from where our root is. 

No matter how much you modernize, how much you try with artificial happiness, you must go back to find peace and comfort to our mother nature because that’s the only possible vicinity you may succeed in your search. In this work I tried to search through the eyes of a little girl, a symbol of innocence, finding her way out of this chaotic society to the eternal search for peace and solace.